Replace 'cwpai' in function names
Marcel O
Currently, all new functions are prefixed with "cwpai_". This should be customisable. There should be a default prefix that can be set to apply by default. There should also be the option to change the prefix for a particular snippet. This would allow the user to (a) 'whitelabel' the code, and (b) ensure the unique function names can be created for a particular snippet (to prevent duplication, for example)
James LePage
Complete. This is a feature under projects, where custom prefixes can be set.
James LePage
James LePage
Marcel, this is a great idea and currently a long term focus. When we implement the agency plan (, we will also add many "Project" features.
Here, you'll be able to inform CodeWP of project-specific information, like the function name, project goals, color palette, plugins in use, etc... The goal is to create snippets that are hyper-relevant to each project that an agency is working on.
Additional features will include Snippet categorization and eventual codebase indexing.